The New Love

A Class on Self-Love, Relationships, and Recovering Your Light from the Shame

With John McCurdy and Romana Aniya Ercegović

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Welcome to this very special class on opening to the love of All Of You!

John and Romana Aniya

The topic of self-love has been very dear to both of us for a very long time, and is indeed one of the things that brought us together. And when we decided to create this class, little did we know where it would take us!

This self-paced class includes the following sessions, and the first one is available for free so you can feel the energies of the class:

1: The Key to Everything

2: The Roots of the Shame

3: How Shame Affects Your Life

4: A Safe Space for Feeling

5: The Solution

6: A New Relationship with You

7: It is ALL Your Light

8: Receiving Light

9: Opening to Feelings

10: Allowing You

In addition, there will be a question and answer session in early May 2025, and class participants may submit questions for that session through the end of April. Once it is complete the Q&A session will be posted in the class as session 11.

Then there will be at least one additional session to wrap things up, for a total of at least 12 sessions.

For more information you may read our introductions here:

John McCurdy

For me, this class has been wanting to come out for a very long time. But it could not happen until I had my own self-love and the full presence of my soul (whom I call Master Anna when I channel her), or until I could release enough of my own shame and insecurity to let in the love of my beloved partner and wife, Romana Aniya. And also, until certain energies were in place on Earth.

Now it is time.

For me, this class goes to the core of everything I am about in this lifetime. And it goes to the core of what I believe humanity is truly about as we go through this crazy, confusing, and ultimately incredibly beautiful transition into a whole new world.

New Earth

This new world is coming in right now, and that is why the old world is freaking out. There is no room for power in the new world, only for love, and the people who love power are already feeling their games being exposed and falling apart. That makes them crazy and destructive, but in ripping everything apart they are actually doing the work of transformation that is necessary to make space for the New Earth, which will be known as The Planet of Love.

There is only one way into this new world. We cannot get there through battle or power, but only through grace and love. And most importantly through self-love, which is a very new thing on this planet.

But loving self means coming face to face with our own darkness and with all those parts of us that we don’t like, that have failed us, and that we have hidden away in shame.

We carry so much shame inside of us! So many parts of us that have let us down, that have disappointed us, that have failed us, that have done things that we disapprove of.

How often have you felt like this?

So many times we have been judged, beaten, bullied, tormented and punished in so many ways, emotionally and physically. And so often we believed those judgements and turned them into self-judgments, and took on more hatred and more shame.

So many times we have been abused, cheated, betrayed, raped, murdered, enslaved and even worse; hurt so badly that all we knew was to hide that pain away in our darkest corners.

And it isn’t just from this lifetime, or even from all our times on Earth. It goes all the way back to the beginning of our journey of self-discovery, all the way back to the very beginning of experience.

So, how can we heal all that?

How can we possibly love ourselves, let alone anyone else, when we have so much hatred and self-judgement inside of us?

How can we possibly enter into this New Earth, this Planet of Love, with so much darkness and shame and pain inside of us?

Well, it is possible now in a way that never has been before, and that is what this class is about.

Are you ready to be free?

Are you ready to allow all of you to come home?

If so, I invite you to join us in this beautiful class on Self-Love, the New Love, and on recovering your light from the darkness of your shame.

It is our great honor to present this material to you, and we invite you to experience the first session free of charge so you can feel the energies and know if it is for you or not.


John McCurdy

After more than thirty years on my journey of self-discovery, I thought I had confronted most of my shame. But as John and I were creating this class I felt many more layers revealing themselves to me. Many that are so subtle, and yet that affect my life and the flow of my creative expression in profound ways.

Ways like self-criticism, fear of people who project my own self-judgement back onto me, or being ashamed of feeling deeply.

I find one of the important qualities of this class is that it brings us into a place of compassion and of feeling that you are safe and loved as you are.

This is also one of the precious qualities that I find in John’s presence in my life. Not just when he channels his loving soul, but also, as a divine human being he is able to be a stable source of compassionate presence that embraces all sides of reality, beyond duality and judgement. He provides the respectful, mature presence of balanced masculine and feminine within. 

This class is a combination of channeling our divine/soul wisdom, and also our human experience of finding ways to understand our own shame, and finding freedom. It is not just about advice on what can help us, but also about creating a profoundly safe space where we can feel honored as imperfect humans and discover a completely new perspective of how to experience self-love.

What I bring to this class:

As we go through a process of understanding and facing our shame, I provide a safe space for integrating different layers.

For me, creating a loving, sacred, safe atmosphere is essential, and during my sessions you are invited to gently allow yourself to let in the love of your own soul. And in the presence of that love to give yourself permission to feel, and to receive, the hidden, unpleasant and painful parts of you, and to lovingly allow them to feel safe to come home to you, to your consciousness.

As I recorded these sessions I felt lots of light radiating from my heart and from my whole body, inviting your own light to come home and shine brightly for you.

I also felt how John’s presence, along with the presence of many supportive masters and celestial energies around us, creates a field of light where profound integration can take place on deep layers that our human mind is not even aware of.

Romana Aniya Ercegović

Price: €99.00

Your access to this class will not expire.

We can’t promise to keep it online forever, but as long as we do you will have access.

We have priced this class to be available to as many people who want it as possible, and also to be sustainable for us. If you still cannot afford it and you really want it, you are welcome to fill out our scholarship application.