
Welcome to our store!

Here you will find our classes, personal sessions and everything else we offer.

If you are already a member, please log in so we can show you what you already have.

Why memberships and levels?

Well, that’s just how the software that powers our website thinks. And yes, we understand that some people are allergic to those words, and for good reason. So many of us have been deeply hurt by our memberships in various churches and other organizations, so here is what we would like you to know:

  • We are NOT a church. We are simply an online community, or fellowship, for people who are discovering their own divinity. We share what we have discovered along the way, but we always encourage you to find your own truth.
  • You can walk away at any time without shame or judgement from us.
  • Our rules are very simple: Treat yourself and others with respect while you are here. Honor the copyright on our materials, for we can only be here because of people who purchase them.

You might see the word “level” or “levels” in your account. Just think of them as products, for that is all they are. None is “higher” or “lower” or more “elite” than any other. Again, it’s just the way our software works.

Yes, we could have changed the software. But it’s really good software in the ways that really matter to us, and it turned out to be too much work to spend on avoiding a couple of potential trigger words. So here we are.

We invite you to join us in a safe and nurturing community that will never try to hold on to you, control you, or tell you how you should live your life. We are all about self-love, and about encouraging and supporting people in allowing their own soul’s wisdom into their lives.

So welcome, divine human, if you dare to join us!

Basic Membership – Free

Our free Basic Membership gives you:

  • Full access to our free material
  • Email notifications of new content (you may unsubscribe at any time)
  • Access to our community discussion forums
  • Other benefits as our community evolves

Note: If you are here for a class, a personal session, or anything else listed below, you can go directly there. A free Basic Membership will be included when you make your purchase.

Personal Sessions

Need some perspective on this journey? We offer coaching sessions with a master or channeled conversations with your own soul.

I literally could feel how the veil was lifted which separated me from Soul for such a long time. —Claudia from Germany


We can only maintain this website and offer what we do because of the generous support of people like you. Thank you!

Cloud Classes

The New Love

Self-Love, Relationships, and
Recovering Your Light from the Shame

With John McCurdy and Romana Aniya Ercegović